Thursday, October 7, 2010

Let's play table tennis

If you want to have a lot of fun at little expense, and become reasonably skillful at one of the fastest sports in the world in comparatively short time, table tennis is your game. Table tennis is a fast-paced indoor sport that require individual skill and excellent eye-hand coordination. To play this game you need flat table, ball, and bats.

Standard table tennis bats consist of two basic materials: wood for the handle and the blade, and rubber for the facings of the blade. Each side of the bat should be clearly different in colour and the rubber should be stamped with the International Table Tennis Federation (ITTF) logo of approval. One side of blade must be bright red and the other side blue. Choose your bat based on your physical strength and your hand size. You can go to local sport stores or visiting online stores to find various table tennis bats.


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